She Said Yes!


No, I’m not getting married. But we are getting an incredibly awesome new team member to join us at GiveForward.  Last month, I posted about a candidate named Kristen who sent us the BEST interview follow up email EVER!  The video went kind of viral and even spawned this blog post, Second Impressions from TechStars founder, David Cohen.

Many of you asked if we offered Kristen a position.  We did!  And she said yes!  She starts Monday.

Here’s the video thank you note she sent us if you haven’t seen it yet:

If you’re looking for a job, take notes. This is how you land one.  And if you’re not looking for a job, pay it forward and pass this along to someone who is.  They’ll thank you later.

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6 thoughts on “She Said Yes!

  1. elketeaches says:

    Reblogged this on elketeaches and commented:
    A new way to create Thank You notes and land that awesome job!

  2. Justine says:

    Way to go Kristen!! Best Wishes on the new position at Give Forward!!

  3. Raj says:

    Kristen’s genuineness can be felt through this thank you note. Her confidence speaks for itself. Awesome!

    But I wonder if organizations in general are open-mined enough to respond positively to similar kind of follow-up thank you notes. I hope the do.

    • Ethan Austin says:

      That’s a good question. I think it probably depends on the organization. With an investment bank or consulting firm, maybe not. But with a startup, definitely!

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